Thursday, November 30, 2006

Why is France so Worried about Religion?

France and some other countries were drawn into a controversy when two students were expelled from school for wearing a head scarf. France widened the ban and proposed a law forbidding the wearing of clothing and symbols openly expressive of religious identity. Besides head scarfs, this law also includes Christian crosses and Jewish yarmulkes. This law caused a wave of reaction. Muslim countries, the United Kingdom , the USA and Germany condemned the law and stressed that its enforcement would cause tension and entrenchment in France . They also asserted that the law was contrary to religious freedom and basic human rights. But, so far, these reactions have not led the French government to retract its decision.

We must not interpret what happened in France only as a ban on religious symbols; the French fear of religion and religous morality goes back a long time. Those who are aware of the development of social culture and church-state relations in France will know that these kinds of initiatives and the resulting controversies are well known in French society. Moreover, this fear is not limited only to Islam and Judaism; the memory of the murder of Catholics during the French Revolution has not yet been erased.

The present shape of church-state relations in France was forged by conflict, hatred, anger and slaughter. This struggle began in the eighteenth century against the Catholic Church with the purpose of diminishing the influence of the Church on society. We can say that during this period, society became distanced from spiritual and religious values and came under the influence of materialist philosophy.

The Age of Enlightenment:

How European Societies Distanced from Religious Values

That period in which materialist and evolutionist ideas gained widespread acceptance in European society, and influenced it in distancing itself from religion, is known as the Enlightenment. Surely, those who selected this word (that is those who characterized this change of ideas positively as a move into the light) were the leaders of this deviation. They described the earlier period as the "Dark Age" and blamed religion for it, claiming that Europe became enlightened when it was secularized and held religion at a distance. This biased and false perspective is still today one of the basic propaganda mechanisms of those who oppose religion.

It is true that Medieval Christianity was partially "dark" with superstitions and bigotry and most of these have been cleared in the post-Medieval age. In fact, the Enlightenment did not bring much positive results to the West either. The most important result of the Enlightenment, which occurred in France, was the French Revolution, that turned the country into a sea of blood. For most of the French intellectuals, the Enlightenment meant purging people's minds of every religious and spiritual value. Nearly all the thinkers who lived in eighteenth-century France shared this view. The French Revolution was built on this idea of Enlightenment that held sway in France; it was one of the modern world's most barbarous, merciless and savage revolutions. As soon as the Jacobins came to power after the Revolution, the first thing they did was to bring in the guillotine; thousands of people lost their heads just because they were accused of being rich or religious. One of the leaders of the Revolution by the name of Fouché (his nickname was the Butcher of Lyon) sent a committee headed by three individuals to Lyon to destroy the landed and religious aristocracy there. In a letter he sent to Robespierre, the leader of the Senate, Fouché wrote that the guillotine was operating too slowly and that he was not happy with the slow advance of the revolution. He wanted permission to do a mass cleansing. On the day he received the permission, thousands of people with their hands tied behind their back were mowed down mercilessly by the guns of the revolution.

Today Enlightenment influenced literature praises the French Revolution; however, the Revolution cost France much and contributed to social conflicts that were to last into the twenty-first century. The analysis of the French Revolution and the Enlightenment by the famous British thinker, Edmund Burke, is very telling. In his famous book, Reflections on the Revolution in France , published in 1790, he criticized both the idea of the Enlightenment and its fruit, the French Revolution; in his opinion, that movement destroyed the basic values that held society together, such as religion, morality and family structure, and paved the way towards terror and anarchy. Finally, he regarded the Enlightenment, as one interpreter put it, as a "destructive movement of the human intellect." 1

The leaders of this destructive movement were Masons. Voltaire, Diderot, Montesquieu, and other anti-religious thinkers who prepared the way for the Revolution, were all Masons. The Masons were intimate with the Jacobins who were the leaders of the Revolution. This had led some historians to the opinion that it is difficult to distinguish between Jacobinism and Masonry in France of this period.

During the French Revolution, much hostility was evinced toward religion. Many clergymen were sent to the guillotine, churches were destroyed, and, moreover, there were those who wanted to eradicate Christianity totally and replace it with a deviant, pagan, symbolic religion called "the Religion of Reason." The leaders of the Revolution also became victims of this frenzy, every one of them finally losing their heads on the guillotine, to which they themselves had condemned so many people. Even today, many Frenchmen continue to question whether or not the revolution was a good thing.

The anti-religious sentiments of the French Revolution spread throughout Europe and, as a result, the nineteenth century became one of the boldest and most aggressive periods of anti-religious propaganda.

The Struggle Against Religion in France

The role played by Masons in the revolution was admitted by an "agent-provocateur" by the name of Count Cagliostro. Cagliostro was arrested by the Inquisition in 1789, and made some important admissions while under interrogation. He began by stating that Masons throughout Europe had been planning a chain of revolutions. He said that the main goal of the Masons was to destroy the Papacy or to take it over.

Masonry's mission in France did not stop with the revolution. The chaos that came as a result of the revolution was finally settled when Napoleon came to power. But, this stability did not last long; Napoleon's ambition to rule the whole of Europe only brought an end to his power. Afterwards, the conflict in France continued between the monarchists and the revolutionists. In 1830, 1848 and 1871, three more revolutions occurred. In 1848, the "Second Republic" was founded; in 1871 the "Third Republic" was established. In 1881, Catholicism ceased to be the official religion of France and in 1988 religious education was completely removed from the education system.

Masons were very active throughout this period of agitation. Their primary aim was to weaken the Church and its religious institutions, destroy the values of religion and the influence of its laws on society, and to abolish religious education. Masons regarded "anti-clericalism" as the center of their social and political activities.

The Catholic Encyclopedia provides important information about the anti-religious mission of the Grand Orient, as French Masonry was known:

From the official documents of French Masonry contained principally in the official "Bulletin" and "Compte-rendu" of the Grand Orient it has been proved that all the anti-clerical measures passed in the French Parliament were decreed beforehand in the Masonic lodges and executed under the direction of the Grand Orient, whose avowed aim is to control everything and everybody in France. "I said in the assembly of 1898," states the deputy Massé, the official orator of the Assembly of 1903, "that it is the supreme duty of Freemasonry to interfere each day more and more in political and profane struggles." "Success (in the anti-clerical combat) is in a large measure due to Freemasonry; for it is its spirit, its programme, its methods, that have triumphed." "If the Bloc has been established, this is owing to Freemasonry and to the discipline learned in the lodges"…"We need vigilance and above all mutual confidence, if we are to accomplish our work, as yet unfinished. This work, you know . . . the anti-clerical combat, is going on. The Republic must rid itself of the religious congregations, sweeping them off by a vigorous stroke. The system of half measures is everywhere dangerous; the adversary must be crushed with a single blow." 2

The Catholic Encyclopedia continues its account of French Masonry's struggle against religion :

In truth all the "anti-clerical" Masonic reforms carried out in France since 1877, such as the secularization of education, measures against private Christian schools and charitable establishments, the suppression of the religious orders and the spoliation of the Church, professedly culminate in an anti-Christian and irreligious reorganization of human society, not only in France but throughout the world. Thus French Freemasonry, as the standard-bearer of all Freemasonry, pretends to inaugurate the golden era of the Masonic universal republic, comprising in Masonic brotherhood all men and all nations. "The triumph of the Galilean," said the president of the Grand Orient, Senator Delpech, on 20 September, 1902 , "has lasted twenty centuries. But now he dies in his turn…. The Romish Church, founded on the Galilean myth, began to decay rapidly from the very day on which the Masonic Association was established" 3

By the "Galilean" the Masons mean Jesus, because according to the Gospel, Jesus was born in the Palestinian town of Galilee. Therefore, the Masons' hatred for the Church is an expression of their hatred for Jesus and all monotheistic religions. With the materialist, Darwinist and humanist culture they established in the nineteenth century, they believed that they had destroyed religion and restored Europe to its pre-Christian paganism.

When these words were uttered in 1902, a series of laws passed in France broadened the scope of religious opposition. Three thousand religious schools were closed and it was forbidden to give any religious education in schools. Many of the clergy were arrested, some were exiled and religious persons began to be regarded as second-class citizens. For this reason, in 1904, the Vatican broke all diplomatic relations with France but this did not change the country's attitude. It took the loss of the lives of hundreds of thousands of French men against the German army in the First World War before the country's arrogance was tamed and it again recognized the importance of spiritual values.

As The Catholic Encyclopedia maintains, the war against religion, from the French Revolution to the twentieth century, was carried out by "the anti-clerical measures passed in the French Parliament" which "were decreed beforehand in the Masonic lodges and executed under the direction of the Grand Orient." 4 This fact is clear from Masonic writings. For example, a quotation from a Turkish publication of "A Speech Made by Brother Gambetta on July 8 1875 in the Clémente Amitié Lodge" reads:

While the specter of reaction threatened France, and religious doctrine and backward ideas went on the offensive against modern social principles and laws, in the bosom of industrious, far-sighted organizations like Masonry devoted to the principles of brotherhood, we find the strength and consolation in the struggle against the extravagant claims of the Church, its ridiculous exaggerations and habitual excesses…we must be on guard and continue in the struggle. In order to establish the ideas of human order and progress, let us endure so that our shields cannot be broken through. 5

It will be noticed that Masonic literature consistently presents its own ideas as "far-sighted" while accusing religious people of being "backward." However, this is merely a play on words. The notion of "the specter of reaction," mentioned in the above quotation, is something that sincere religious people also oppose, but which Masons exploit to take aim at true religion in their attempt to alienate people from it. Moreover, it must again be emphasized that the materialist-humanist philosophy espoused by Masons is really a superstitious, backward system of ideas, a hold-over of the pagan civilizations of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.

Therefore, the Masons' use of terms like "far-sightedness" and "backwardness" has no basis in reality. Indeed, it is unfounded because the conflict between Masons and religious people is nothing more than the perpetuation of the conflict between two ideas that have existed since the earliest ages of history. It is religion that proclaims the first of these ideas: that humanity was created by the will of God and that human beings are responsible to worship Him. This is the truth. The opposing idea, that human beings were not created but live vain and purposeless lives, is the one proposed by those who deny the existence of God. When correctly understood, it can be seen that their use of the superficial terms of "backwardness" and "far-sightedness" has no basis.

By making use of the idea of "progress," Masons seek to destroy religion. The "Catholic Encyclopedia" states:

The following are deemed the principal means [of freemasonry]:

(1) To destroy radically by open persecution of the Church or by a hypocritical fraudulent system of separation between State and Church, all social influence of the Church and of religion, insidiously called "clericalism," and, as far as possible, to destroy the Church and all true, i.e., superhuman religion, which is more than a vague cult of fatherland and of humanity;

(2) To secularize, by a likewise hypocritical fraudulent system of "unsectarianism," all public and private life and, above all, popular instruction and education. "Unsectarianism" as understood by the Grand Orient party is anti-Catholic and even anti-Christian, atheistic, positivistic, or agnostic sectarianism in the garb of unsectarianism. Freedom of thought and conscience of the children has to be developed systematically in the child at school and protected, as far as possible, against all disturbing influences, not only of the Church and priests, but also of the children's own parents, if necessary, even by means of moral and physical compulsion. The Grand Orient party considers it indispensable and an infallibly sure way to the final establishment of the universal social republic… 6

It can be seen that Masonry has put a program into effect, under the name of "the liberation of society," whose purpose is to eradicate religion, a program that is still being implemented. This must not be confused with a model that seeks to provide the opportunity for every citizen of whatever religious faith to practice his faith freely. Rather, the model envisioned by Masonry is one of mass brainwashing, designed to remove religion completely from society and the minds of individuals and, if necessary, to persecute its adherents.


France 's policy of eradicating religion began in the eighteenth century and has continued for three centuries; its result has been to turn the country into a nation that fears religion, religious morality and religious people. In the past few years, and as a result of this process, Muslims and various other members of religious organizations have been assaulted. However, this fear is groundless. Actually, it is not religion, but the absence of religion that should be feared. Religious morality brings peace, well-being, justice and tolerance to a society. In a society where the sense of religious morality is strong, there cannot possibly be violence, degeneration or fear. For this reason, France 's fear of religion is unnecessary. In societies where war, conflict, violence and injustice hold sway, there is no religious morality.

In a society far removed from religion, it is inevitable that most people will be selfish, unjust and be lacking in moral goodness. Only the values of religion assure moral perfection for societies and individuals. Those having faith in God conduct themselves responsibly, since they only live to attain the approval of God and know that they will give an account of all their deeds. Fearing God, they cautiously avoid wicked deeds, attitudes and behavior not praised by God. A society dominated by such people becomes one that does not experience social problems.

However, a disbelieving person, failing to recognize that he will ultimately be rewarded or punished for his deeds will set no limit to his evil acts. Despite avoiding certain socially unfavorable forms of behavior, many people do not hesitate to commit other evils when they are urged, encouraged or have an opportunity.

In societies where there is no religion, people become predisposed to commit all kinds of immoral acts. For instance, a religious person would never take a bribe, gamble, feel envy, or lie because he would know that he would have to account for these actions in the hereafter. Yet, someone with no religion is prone to doing all these things. It is not enough for one to say, “I'm not religious but I don't take bribes”, or “I'm not religious but I don't gamble”, because a man who does not fear God and who does not believe that he is going to give an account of himself in the hereafter may do any one of these things when the situation or conditions change. A person who says, “I'm not religious but I do not commit fornication” may do so at some place where fornication is considered normal. Or a person who says that he does not take bribes may say, “My son is sick and about to die, therefore I have to take the bribe”, if he has no fear of God.

However, a religious person does not display such immorality, because he fears God and does not forget that God knows his intentions as well as his thoughts.

A person who is distant from religion may say “I'm not religious but I'm forgiving. I feel neither vengeance nor hate,” but one day some untoward event may cause him to lose his self-control and display the most unexpected behaviour. He may attempt to kill or injure someone, because the morality he adopts is one that changes according to the environment and conditions of the place in which he lives.

Yet, one who believes in God and in the hereafter never deviates from his good morals, whatever the conditions or the environment may be. His morality is not “variable” but immutable. God refers to the superior morals of religious people in His verses:

Those who keep faith with God and do not break their agreement; those who join what God has commanded to be joined and are afraid of their Lord and fear an evil Reckoning; those who are steadfast in seeking the face of their Lord, and attend to their regular prayer and give alms from what We have given them, secretly and openly, and stave off evil with good, it is they who will attain the Ultimate Abode. (Qur'an, 13: 20-22)

In an environment without religion, the first concept to be eliminated is that of the family. Values such as loyalty, fidelity, allegiance, love, and respect, which sustain the family, are totally abandoned. It must be remembered that the family is the foundation of society and if the family collapses, so does society. Even the state has no reason to exist, since all moral values that underpin the state have been obliterated.

Furthermore, in irreligious societies, there is no reason left for anyone to feel respect, love or compassion for anyone else. This leads to social anarchy. The rich begrudge the poor, the poor begrudge the rich. Anger develops against those who are handicapped or needy. Or aggression towards different nations rises. The workers become aggressive towards their employers and the employers towards their workers, fathers turn against their sons and the sons against their fathers.

The reason for continuous bloodshed and the “third page news” in the newspapers is irreligion. On these pages, every day, we see news coverage about people who heedlessly kill each other for very insignificant causes.

However, a person who knows that he is going to be accountable in the hereafter cannot point a gun at somebody else's head and shoot him. He knows that God has forbidden men to commit crimes, and his fear of God ensures that he will avoid divine retribution. In the Qu'ran, God commands people to avoid corruption:

Do not corrupt the earth after it has been purged of evil. Call on Him fearfully and eagerly. God's mercy is within reach of the righteous. (Qur'an, 7: 56)

The existence of the values of religion brings the love felt for God. This love has an overwhelmingly positive and encouraging impact on all people. To earn the approval of God, believers comfort themselves in the most moral way, and love and respect one another. In general, mercy, tolerance and compassion pervade society.

Going in fear of God, people strictly avoid indulging in immoral or evil acts. In this way, every sort of evil which previously could not be prevented comes to an abrupt end. The spirit and warmth of religion fills the air.

In societies where religion does not penetrate, it is an accepted fact that people become rebellious and anarchistic and take up a position against their state. However, for one who lives by the values of religion, the imperatives of the state are paramount. If it is required, one will put his life into jeopardy for these values. For such a person, the interests of his state will always rank above his own interests. They stand up for spiritual values and do their best to defend them.

Under such favorable conditions, governing the state becomes reasonably simple. The country becomes a secure and prosperous place. Administrators of the country treat the citizens fairly and compassionately and thus unjust practices cease. In return, they are respected by the citizens. Such states surely lay their basis on an unshakeable foundation.

In the absence of Islamic morals, the father becomes the enemy of the son, and vice versa, brothers dispute, employers oppress their employees. Factories and firms stop operating due to anarchy and the wealthy exploit the labor of the poor. In business life, people try to cheat one another. Disorder, conflicts and anarchy become a way of life for the members of society. The reason for all this is that people have no fear of God. People having no fear of God feel free to commit injustice, and do not hesitate to resort to extremes of violence and cruelty—even murder. Furthermore, without feeling a pang of conscience, they dare to publicly express their lack of regret. On the contrary, one who is convinced that he could face eternal punishment in Hell would never commit such acts. The morality of the Qur'an renders all such untoward deeds impossible. Everything is handled easily, quietly and in the best manner. No judicial errors occur and, meanwhile, police stations and the law courts hardly find a case to deal with.

The peaceful and comfortable state of mind of people in all walks of life brings prosperity to society as a whole. Scientific research flourishes, hardly a day goes by without a new discovery or a technological breakthrough and the results are used for the good of all. Culture prospers and leaders promote public welfare. This prosperity owes its existence to the human mind being freed of pressure. Once one's mind is at ease, one develops better thinking ability and this state of mind enlarges the scope for reflection. The consequence is clear and unrestrained use of the intellect. Living by good standards of morality brings prosperity to people; they succeed in their business and commercial lives. Agriculture and industry flourish. In all fields of endeavor, there is true progress.

The solution is evident: to turn to God, the Creator of all beings, and to attain true happiness and tranquility by adhering to the religion God favors for us. God has informed us that salvation in this world is to turn to religion and has given the glad tidings that His sincere servants will not feel fear, provided that they are obedient to Him.

God has promised those of you who believe and do good deeds that He will make them masters in the land as He had made their ancestors before them, and will firmly establish for them their religion with which He is pleased and give them, in place of their fear, security. Let them worship Me, not associating anything with Me. Any who are unbelievers after that are deviators." (Qur'an, 24: 55)

Therefore, for all the reasons we have given above, French society must look for a solution not in the absence of religion but in the practice of religious morality. The solution to the growing conflicts, increasing violence and economic inequality does not lie in the banishment of religion; quite the opposite: it must be sought in an effort to disseminate religious morality. When a nation fears God, acts according to its conscience and exhibits compassion, mercy and tolerance, there can be no doubt that it will easily uproot violence and degradation in its society.

1- Pocock, in; Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France , ed. J. G. A. Pocock, Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1987, pp. 33-38.
2- Compterendu Gr. Or., 1903, Nourrisson, "Les Jacobins", 266-271; The Catholic Encyclopedia , "Masonry (Freemasonry)", New Advent,
3- The Catholic Encyclopedia , "Masonry (Freemasonry)," New Advent, (
4- The Catholic Encyclopedia , "Masonry (Freemasonry)," New Advent, (
5- Nur Safa Tekyeliban, "Taassuba Karsi Mucadele" (Struggle Against Bigotry): From the Speech of Brother Gambetta made on July 8, 1875 in Clémente Amitié Lodge," Dogus Kolu Yilligi: Ankara Dogus Mahfili Çalismalari (Dogus Branch Yearbook: Ankara Dogus Society Studies) , 1962, Kardes Press, Ankara, 1963, p. 19
6- The Catholic Encyclopedia , "Masonry (Freemasonry)," New Advent, (

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Real solution in Cyprus

A Real Solution in Cyprus

A real solution in Cyprus would be for the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus to maintain its existence as an independent state, to further strengthen its ties with Turkey and to implement firm policies to enhance the Cypriot people's national and spiritual awareness.

In the last few months, the question of Cyprus has been put before Turkey as a condition for its long-awaited membership in the EU. In spite of the fact that membership in the EU and the Cyprus question are two different issues, some countries such as Greece and Britain have claimed that they are related and have made the serious mistake of moving to put them on the agenda in a single package.

The Essential Political Attitude Regarding Cyprus

In the approximately 150-page document recently prepared by UN General Secretary Kofi Annan and delivered to representatives of both countries, there are very serious risks for North Cyprus. The report as it has been presented is unacceptable because Cypriot Turks have no area of sovereignty and if it is accepted, they will be a minority living on the island within 3 to 5 years and are treated as such. Moreover, it is recommended that a certain number of Greek Cypriots be moved into areas belonging to the North. Under these circumstances, it is probable that all the measures taken in the 1960 agreement between Turks and Greeks to preserve the status of the two different communities will be nullified. More serious is the probability that, without preparing a suitable foundation on which the two communities can live securely, the attempt to implement the model of a heterogeneous society may have a detrimental outcome as it had in the past.

In the event of such an agreement, many Cypriot Turks will be without a home and employment, living in anxiety with no peace of mind. They have been settled on the island since 1974 and to remove them from their homes and destroy the peace and order of their lives would be of benefit to no one.

Turkey's policy on this matter, as it was well expressed by the National Security Council, must have its basis in the primary goal of assuring the security of the Turks in northern Cyprus and in support for the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus. The Turks of northern Cyprus are a part of Turkey and the issue of Cyprus is a national matter. Through the Cyprus Peace Movement in 1974, the Turkish army protected Turks on the island from the genocidal intentions of radical Greek Cypriots; these facts must never be forgotten. Solutions that would be disadvantageous to the Turkish side of the island and pose a risk to its security cannot be considered.

Moreover, from the point of view of Turkey, Cyprus is of great strategic importance. If Turkey loses its control over Cyprus, it also loses the possibility of access to the Mediterranean. In accordance to the decision made at the last meeting of the National Security Council, Turkey must work towards getting the fact accepted that Denktash insists on: there are two separate states on the island. An autonomous government established by two separate states will make joint decisions on questions of foreign relations but, in domestic matters, one will be independent of the other. In addition, it is essential that Turkey continues as guarantor.

Essential Cultural Policies for Cyprus

Policies to be implemented with regard to the Cyprus question are not only of a political or diplomatic nature. Also in the areas of economics and culture, measures must be encouraged that will strengthen the Turkish people of Cyprus and improve their situation. It is definite that Southern Cyprus will join the European Union, an attractive prospect for some of the Turks on the island even though no official agreement has been signed. In order to prevent this from becoming a debilitating factor, it is necessary to solidify the connection of Cypriot Turks with Turkey and their Muslim-Turkish identity by improving their socio-economic situation and strengthening their national and spiritual values.

A meeting held recently in Cyprus revealed that a number of Turkish people on the island were not happy with some of the existing policies. To counteract this, the causes of the discontent have to be removed and policies developed that will restore the people's trust in the government of the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus. The government must adopt a compassionate and understanding attitude towards the people, take a close interest in those areas where there are problems and provide opportunities for initiatives undertaken towards the development of Cyprus.

Furthermore, an intense cultural campaign must be implemented to infuse Turkish national ideals and values deeply within the people in Cyprus, especially the young generation. Cypriot Turks must embrace more strongly the Turkish and Muslim identity that supported them since the island broke away from the Ottomans, and Turkey must take the lead in this cultural renaissance.

To this end, Cypriot Turks must avoid the dilemma that would arise from being left with the prospect of an economically deprived and passive North Cyprus and a developed and prosperous South Cyprus. On the contrary, the model to be adopted is that of a modern, contemporary, developed Cypriot Turk who has at the same time a strong national and religious identity. Psychology is of major importance in the inclinations of societies, especially in small societies. The strengthening of Cypriot Turkish society is bound to a psychological reinforcement, and this will come about by the establishment of the above mentioned economic and cultural policies.

In this matter, an important role will be played by the media and public social institutions. Cyprus is a national issue and everyone must adopt the national line in this matter and support the policies determined by the Turkish state. Cypriot Turks must see a motherland that avidly supports their existence on the island, that is of one heart and mind with them in a feeling of national and religious brotherhood and that defends their rights with its utmost power. To create and sustain this spirit is the duty of all who love their nation and their state.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Moral Degeneration

Moral Degeneration

What we refer to as "moral values" are the concepts introduced by religion that make life beautiful and rewarding. Whenever these values are distorted, we face a really disturbing picture in society. First of all, in an environment where no rules and limits are observed, "lawlessness" prevails. In this system, everyone lays down his own rules and principles, based on highly variable criteria. In the ignorant society the basic principle that is applied is not to go to extremes in social conduct and hence not to incur any reaction from the society. It is wholly acceptable to do anything wrong, as long as it is not publicly disclosed. Ignorant people deliver speeches about virtuous conduct and morals, or severely condemn those who hold a contrary view. However, they themselves violate these values when they are convinced that nobody sees them.

This is actually the main basis upon which their philosophy rests. They never think that God surrounds them all at every moment; they never conceive that He sees every deed they commit and hears every word they utter. They perceive degeneration as a "modern" way of living.

They fear being humiliated if they do not project the image of a "modern person." This image essentially calls for the flouting of such moral values as honesty. Someone, for instance, who returns the money he found on the street to its owner is ridiculed. In such a situation, acceptable behavior according to ignorant people would be not to give the money back. This example reflects only one aspect of the ignorant society's understanding about moral values however. Concepts like honesty and chastity also lose their importance. Forgery and lying are accepted as normal. A person may commit burglary since he finds nothing wrong with it. Likewise, anyone can tell a lie whenever he wishes. In this system other people have no right to object because they also have the right to behave "freely"(!) in accordance with their own moral values.

The Qur'an makes it clear that people who adhere to the moral values of the age of the ignorant suffer for doing so:

Indeed, God will not deal unjustly with man in any way. It is man who wrongs his own soul. (Surah Yunus: 44)

In a society where people adhere to religious values, they conduct themselves responsibly towards each other since they go in fear of God. They never deign to be dishonest or insincere, and certainly never push things to such extremes as to make life difficult for others. Moral values become the basis of all acts and conduct.

Islamic Union

Islamic Union

That moral values of the Qur'an will come to rule the world is a great blessing revealed in the Qur'an, reported in the hadiths of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and discussed in the works of Islamic scholars. Our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has revealed that Allah will bring Qur'anic moral values to prevail on Earth by means of the Mahdi. It is reported in one of the hadiths of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) that, by the will of Allah, the Mahdi will appear in the End Times and cause Islamic moral values to prevail on Earth:

If only one day of this time (world) remained, Allah would raise up a man from my family who would fill this earth with justice as it has been filled with oppression.1

According to the hadiths as well as interpretations by Islamic scholars, one of the most important phases in the dominion of Islamic moral values is the establishment of Islamic Union, in other words the union of the Islamic world. According to the hadiths, the fragmentation in the Islamic world will come to an end with the appearance of the Mahdi, and Muslims will come together in Qur'anic moral values under his leadership.

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, who discussed the subjects of the End Times and the dominion of Qur'anic moral values in his works, particularly concentrated on the subject of Islamic Union. Bediuzzaman stated that the Mahdi would be a means whereby Islamic Union would be established, and described the formation of an Islamic Union and Islamic moral values coming to prevail on Earth as a great cause for rejoicing in the Islamic world. Bediuzzaman said the following on this subject:

The greatest religious duty of this time is the Islamic Union.2

... By the will of Allah, you will attain a great cause for rejoicing of the Islamic world. There are many signs that the unification of Islamic republics will bring the Holy Qur'an, the source of holy laws, to rule the future and will bring great rejoicing to mankind.3

As we have seen, Bediuzzaman has stated that the establishment of an Islamic Union is a most important duty which must be fulfilled. As stated by Bediuzzaman, there are many signs that Islamic Union will come about and that Qur'anic moral values will rule the Earth. These signs have been reported in detail in hadiths. The holy individual in whom all these signs are manifested, and who will be the means whereby Qur'anic moral values come to rule the world, is the Mahdi.

The Irrefutable Sign of the Mahdi

The duties that will be performed by the Mahdi are the most important signs of this holy individual. As reported in the hadiths of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), being the means whereby Islam comes to rule the world is an irrefutable attribute of the Mahdi.

In his works, Bediuzzaman has described in detail many attributes that will determine the holy identity of the Mahdi. Bediuzzaman describes the duties of the Mahdi, and says that the establishment of Islamic Union will be one of the three greatest responsibilities of the Mahdi. Bediuzzaman describes this great duty of the Mahdi in these terms:

The third duty of that individual [the Mahdi] is to build an Islamic Caliphate on an Islamic unity and to serve Islam by allying himself with Christians. This duty can be fulfilled by a great caliphate and force and the sacrifices of millions. The first duty is three to four times more valuable than the other two. However, since the second and third duties will be in a very bright and broad sphere and in a glittering manner they will appear more important in the eyes of the people and the community.4

As Bediuzzaman has stated, the Mahdi will first build an Islamic Union. Then, with the power and support of the Islamic Union, he will bring Qur'anic moral values and the Sunnah of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) to prevail on Earth. In fulfilling this sacred task, he will - by the will of Allah - possess great strength, power and authority. In another statement, Bediuzzaman expresses this fact thus:

The Great Mahdi will have numerous functions. He will carry out duties in the world of politics, the world of religion, the world of government, and in the many spheres of the world of Islam…5

As we have seen, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi states that the Mahdi will serve in such major spheres as politics, government and religion. According to the information in the hadiths and the expositions of Bediuzzaman, the Mahdi is a holy individual who will serve in these major spheres, found an Islamic Union, inflict an intellectual defeat on materialism and atheism, strengthen spiritual values and be a means whereby Islamic moral values come to rule the world. The principal sign of the Mahdi, as Bediuzzaman has stated, is his establishment of an Islamic Union and bringing the moral values of the Qur'an to prevail on Earth. It is meaningless to speak of other signs beyond this, and to concentrate on and look for these alone. Other signs only acquire significance in the event that this great sign takes place.

As stated above, the dominion of Islamic moral values is an irrefutable sign of the Mahdi. So long as this irrefutable sign of the Mahdi fails to materialise, it is impossible to speak of the position of Mahdi or of the duties of that position having been fulfilled. When, by the will of Allah, this holy individual appears, he will not, as is revealed in the hadiths, claim to hold the rank of Mahdi nor engage in any such propaganda. The great deeds of the Mahdi will be the most important evidence and proof that this holy individual has appeared. In one hadith it is reported that people will pledge allegiance to the Mahdi, although he will not desire this:

They will pledge allegiance to the Mahdi against his wishes. Later, the Mahdi will cause them to perform 2 rakats of salat and will ascend to the pulpit.6

The revelation in the hadith that people will pledge allegiance to the Mahdi, albeit against his wishes is a sign that he will never claim to be the Mahdi. The evident signs manifested in the Mahdi and his own great deeds will show that he is the awaited holy individual. He himself will make no such claims or suggestions.

In addition to the information provided in the hadiths and by Islamic scholars, there are also indications in many verses of the Qur'an to the effect that Qur'anic moral values will come to rule the world.

It Is Revealed in the Qur'an That Islamic Moral Values Will Rule the World

The Qur'an is a sacred Book, the stipulations set out in which will apply until the Day of Judgement, which covers all areas of a believer's life, and in which all of our Lord's commands appear in a flawless form. One of the greatest miracles of the Qur'an is that ever since it was first revealed, Muslims of all times have found signs referring to their own age. According to what is stated in the hadiths, Islamic moral values' coming to prevail on Earth is the most important of the signs that will come to pass after the death of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and up until the Day of Judgement. It is revealed in the Qur'an that Islamic moral values will rule the world:

Allah has promised those of you who believe and do right actions that He will make them successors in the land as He made those before them successors, and will firmly establish for them their religion with which He is pleased and give them, in place of their fear, security. "They worship Me, not associating anything with Me." Any who disbelieve after that, such people are deviators. (Surat an-Nur, 55)

As is revealed in this verse, Islamic moral values prevailing on Earth is a stipulation of our Lord's, and a promise to sincere believers who ascribe no partners to Him. By the will of Allah, this stipulation will come to pass by means of the Mahdi in the End Times. In addition, many accounts in the Qur'an which provide information about the prophets and verses refer to this holy individual, the Mahdi, who will be instrumental in this holy phenomenon. There are various hadiths of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) that state there are signs in the Qur'an pointing to this important matter. One of these reads as follows:

The Mahdi will rule Earth, just like Dhu'l-Qarnayn and Sulayman.7

As we have seen in the hadith, it is indicated that the accounts of Dhu'l-Qarnayn and Prophet Sulayman (peace be upon them) revealed in the Qur'an should be considered in the context of the Mahdi and the dominion of Islamic moral values.

In the hadiths below, it is revealed that there are important signs regarding the Mahdi and the End Times in the accounts of Ashab al-Kahf (Companions of the Cave) and Talut:

The Companions of the Cave [Ahl al-Kahf] will be the Mahdi's helpers.8

The number of the Mahdi's helpers will be as many as those who crossed the river with Talut.9

Although the Mahdi and his helpmates could be explained in various ways, it is of the greatest importance that our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) interpreted them in connection with the accounts in the Qur'an. This is one of the most powerful pieces of evidence of the presence in the Qur'an of many verses referring to the End Times. According to the information contained in the hadiths and indicated in the Qur'an, the Mahdi will have great power and authority, just like Dhu'l-Qarnayn and Prophet Sulayman (peace be upon them). In the same way that Dhu'l-Qarnayn (pbuh) brought the strife of Yajuj and Majuj to an end, the Mahdi will bring violence and terror, great calamities for mankind, to an end. Just as in the time of Prophet Sulayman (pbuh), in the time of the Mahdi great importance will be attached to art and beauty, and the Earth will be constructed in the most beautiful manner.

In the light of the information provided in the verses of the Qur'an and the hadiths, certain other features of the time in which the Mahdi will appear are considered below.

The Mahdi and the Golden Age

Islamic scholars have described the period when Islamic moral values will rule the world under the leadership of the Mahdi as the "Golden Age." According to the information in the Qur'an, the Golden Age will be a period like the "Blessed Period" that will last for more than fifty years. In the Golden Age, want and hunger will disappear, there will be an abundance of goods and products, injustice and oppression will come to an end, justice will prevail over the Earth, disagreements, violence and conflict will come to an end, peace and security will be ensured, technological advances will reach the highest level, and humanity will make the best possible use of these technological advances. When people are in full obedience to the state and its institutions, a requirement of Qur'anic moral values, peace and harmony will be enjoyed.

People will be so happy with their lives in the Golden Age that, as stated in the hadiths, they will ask Allah to extend their lives to allow them to benefit from these beauties for longer. This is revealed thus in the hadith:

The younger ones wish they were grown-ups, while the adults wish they were younger... The good become even more good, and even the wicked ones are treated well.10

The Mahdi Will Bring Islamic Moral Values to Prevail by Means of Peace and Love

It is revealed in the hadiths that the Mahdi will bring Islamic moral values to prevail by means of peace and love. The Mahdi will constantly call on people, with tolerance, patience, compassion and love, to believe in Allah as the one and only, and will call on them to live by the moral values of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. It is revealed in these terms in the hadiths that Islamic moral values will prevail on Earth in peace:

In this time [the time of the Mahdi], neither a man will be awoken from sleep, nor will a person's nose bleed.11

The Mahdi will follow the way of the Prophet. He will not wake up a sleeping person or shed blood.12

As is revealed in the hadiths, the Mahdi will cause Islamic values to prevail on Earth by peaceful means, and will avoid war and violence. The path to be followed by the Mahdi will turn people towards Islamic moral values with great cultural strides worldwide.

One of the similarities of the Mahdi to Prophet Sulayman and Dhu'l-Qarnayn (peace be upon them) described by our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is on this subject. As is revealed in verses of the Qur'an, Prophet Sulayman (pbuh) established a great civilisation in his time, and he ensured his dominion by means of diplomacy, art and culture. Despite possessing a very powerful and irresistible army, he did not employ military force. As is revealed in the Qur'an, Dhu'l-Qarnayn (pbuh) was regarded by the peoples around him as someone who prevented corruption and strife on Earth, and as a leader who brought peace and security. This aspect of the ages of Prophet Sulayman and Dhu'l-Qarnayn (peace be upon them) bears great similarities to that when the Mahdi will cause Islamic moral values to prevail on Earth.

The Mahdi Will Put an End to Oppression, Violence and Terror

Our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has revealed that as well as causing Islamic moral values to prevail on Earth, the Mahdi will also put an end to the chaos, conflict, violence, war, injustice and oppression that are some of the signs of the End Times. Our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has given the glad tidings of the great change that will be experienced with the coming of the Mahdi:

The world filled with oppression and tyranny will overflow with justice after he [the Mahdi] comes.13

In the Qur'an it is revealed that our Lord calls people to peace:

Allah calls to the Abode of Peace and He guides whom He wills to a straight path. (Surah Yunus, 25)

As a requirement of Qur'anic moral values, the Mahdi will call on people to be peaceloving, and will reconcile them. According to the hadiths, there will be no more enmity and hatred in the time of the Mahdi, and terror and violence will come to an end. Some of the hadiths on this subject read:

[In the time of Mahdi] Enmity and hatred between people will cease. Scorpions and snakes will not be poisonous, and even children will play with snakes without being bitten… Wolves will be among sheep like sheepdogs. The world will fill with religious unity like the cup fills with water. Nobody but Allah will be worshipped. Nothing will be left of warfare and conflict.14

[In the time of Mahdi] Then the Earth will become safe so that lions may graze with camels; tigers with cows, wolves with sheep; and so that children may play with snakes without being harmed.15

As can be seen from the hadiths, in the time of the Mahdi there will be great brotherhood among peoples now in dispute, and conflict of all kinds will be replaced by peace, love and friendship. The moderate, contemporary, rational and civilised model of Islam to be established in the time of this holy individual will illuminate the whole world.

There Will Be Abundance and Plenty in the Time of the Mahdi

It is revealed in hadiths that in the time of the Mahdi there will be a hitherto unseen abundance of goods and products, and that the Mahdi will behave most generously:

The Mahdi will emerge from my community. Almighty Allah will send him to make people wealthy. In his time, my community will be blessed, animals will be abundant and there will be a great supply of foodstuffs of the earth, and the Mahdi will distribute goods in abundance to all people equally.16

... In that time, the communities of the earth and the heavens, all wild animals, birds, and even the fish in the sea will rejoice in his caliphate. In his time even the running rivers will increase their waters. The Mahdi will bring the treasures forth...17

As seen from the hadiths, in the time of the Mahdi there will be great plenty and abundance in all spheres, and people's suffering and poverty will come to an end.

In the Time of the Mahdi People Will Make the Best Use of All Technological Means

The Mahdi's best use of technological facilities may lie at the root of the plenty and abundance, and people's achieving well-being, in his time. In one hadith the abundance in the time of the Mahdi is described thus:

Someone sowing a measure of wheat will find seven hundred in return... A person will scatter a few handfuls of seeds but reap 700 handfuls. Despite an abundance of rain, not a drop will go waste.18

It is probable that in this narration, the transition to modern forms of agriculture, the development of new production techniques, seed improvement studies and improved use of rainwater by building dams and artificial lakes are being indicated (Allah knows best, of course). There is no doubt that all these are techniques and methods obtained through technological advances.

In terms of technological development, our century is witnessing a pace the like of which has never been seen before. A great many technological means, which did not even have names 100 years ago, have now become indispensable parts of people's lives. There are even great differences between today's technology and that of just five years ago. There can be no doubt that this indicates that our age is a very special one. As can be seen from descriptions in the hadiths, these developments will accelerate still further with the appearance of the Mahdi, and technological facilities will be made available to all people equally. Thanks to technological advances in such fields as medicine, transport, communications, agriculture and energy, people will be able to live in the most comfortable, convenient and pleasant way.

All this information shows that the time of the Mahdi will be one of the most peaceful, most secure, most splendid and most comfortable in history, just like the time of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).


As is stated in the verse "We have created all things in predestination" (Surat al-Qamar, 49), our Lord has created everything in the light of a specific destiny. Like those of all animate and inanimate things, the destiny of the Mahdi is already set out in the sight of Allah. The identity of this holy individual, his signs, his appearance, his establishing an Islamic Union and his bringing Islamic moral values to prevail on Earth have all happened and are all over and done with in the sight of Allah.

Allah is unbound by space and time. Human beings, however, live in a dimension that is fettered by space and time, and know nothing without the information placed in their memories. For example, the events that human beings refer to as "the future" are the future because, as a requirement of the environment of testing in this world, Allah has not placed them in our memories, so we cannot know them. Events referring to the future have not yet been experienced by people. Our Almighty Lord, however, is not bound by space and time, and it is He Who created these out of nothing. Therefore, for Allah the past, present and future are all one, and are all over and done with. We can understand that time is a single moment in the sight of Allah, and that there are no past or future for Him, from the style employed in the Qur'an. In those verses in which it is stated that people will have to account for themselves to Allah, it is revealed that these events referring to the future have long since actually taken place:

And the trumpet is blown, and all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth swoon away, save him whom Allah wills. Then it is blown a second time, and behold them standing waiting! (Surat az-Zumar, 68)

All events that have happened or will happen in this world have come to an end in a single moment in the light of the destiny set out by Almighty Allah. Therefore, all the signs of the End Times which our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has stated will take place in the future had actually already happened at that time. In other words, in the time of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) the Mahdi had come into the world, lived, performed all his deeds, and died. Indeed, every moment of the life of the Mahdi was already over with in the time of the Prophet Adam (pbuh). The Mahdi had already fulfilled his duties in the times of the Prophets Musa, Yusuf, Nuh and 'Isa (peace be upon them all). When the time appointed by Allah comes, everyone living in the End Times will follow and witness these holy events.

It must not be forgotten that whoever Allah has so destined will be the Mahdi. The Mahdi is a holy individual revealed by Allah to our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), who described 1,400 years ago his physical and other features, deeds, services and effect on the world. In the same way that it is impossible to imitate these qualities, or to acquire them through hard work, so it is impossible, by Allah's leave, to halt the work of the Mahdi. The Mahdi will perform all the services described by our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and will, by the will of Allah, cause Qur'anic moral values to prevail on Earth. This is the destiny set out by Allah.

1 Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 36.
2 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, The Damascus Sermon, 90.
3 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Emirdag Letters-ll, 76.
4 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Sikke-i Tasdik-i Gaybi, 9.
5 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Risale-i Nur Collection, The Rays, The Second Station of the Fifth Ray, Nineteenth Matter.
6 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, 23, 34, 50, 44.
7 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 32.
8 Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, 59.
9 Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, 17.
10 Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, 17.
11 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 42.
12 Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Rasul Barzanji , Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, 163.
13 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 20.
14 Sunan Ibn Majah.
15 Ibn Ahmad Hanbal.
16 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 23.
17 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 36.
18 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 36; Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Rasul Barzanji , Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, 164.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Reuters: Harun Yahya, has an influence U.S. creationists could only dream of

Harun Yahya, has an influence U.S. creationists could only dream of

A lavishly illustrated "Atlas of Creation" is mysteriously turning up at schools and libraries in Turkey, proclaiming that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is the real root of terrorism.

Arriving unsolicited by post, the large-format tome offers 768 glossy pages of photographs and easy-to-read text to prove that God created the world with all its species.

At first sight, it looks like it could be the work of United States creationists, the Christian fundamentalists who believe the world was created in six days as told in the Bible.

But the author's name, Harun Yahya, reveals the surprise inside. This is Islamic creationism, a richly funded movement based in predominantly Muslim Turkey which has an influence U.S. creationists could only dream of.

Creationism is so widely accepted here that Turkey placed last in a recent survey of public acceptance of evolution in 34 countries -- just behind the United States.

"Darwinism is dead," said Kerim Balci of the Fethullah Gulen network, a moderate Islamic movement with many publications and schools but no link to the creationists who produced the atlas.


Like the Bible, the Koran says God made the world in six days and fashioned the first man, Adam, from dust. Other details vary but the idea is roughly the same.

But unlike in the West, evolution theory has not undermined the traditional creation story for many Muslims.

In 1985, a paragraph on creationism as an alternative to evolution was added to high school science textbooks and a U.S. book "Scientific Creationism" was translated into Turkish.

In the early 1990s, leading U.S. creationists came to speak at several anti-evolution conferences in Turkey.


Since then, a home-grown strain of anti-Darwinist books has developed with a clearly political message.

"Atlas of Creation" offers over 500 pages of splendid images comparing fossils with present-day animals to argue that Allah created all life as it is and evolution never took place.

Then comes a book-length essay arguing that Darwinism, by stressing the "survival of the fittest," has inspired racism, Nazism, communism and terrorism.

"The root of the terrorism that plagues our planet is not any of the divine religions, but atheism, and the expression of atheism in our times (is) Darwinism and materialism," it says.

One Istanbul school unexpectedly received three copies recently. "It's very well done, with magnificent photos - a very stylish tool of creationist propaganda," said the headmaster.

The driving force behind these books is Adnan Oktar who over the past decade has published a flood of books under the pseudonym Harun Yahya.

"Harun Yahya has managed to create a media-based and popular form of creationism," said Taner Edis, a Turkish-born physicist at Truman State University in Missouri.

Harun Yahya, has turned out over 200 books in Turkish and translated many of them into 51 other languages.

Oktar, 50, appears on the group's Web site sporting a clipped beard and dapper suits. His works can be found in Islamic bookshops around the world and downloaded for free over the Internet.


Intelligent Design says some organisms are too complex to have evolved without some superior cause, but avoids calling that cause God because that would ban it from U.S. science textbooks.

But most Turks show no interest because they see no need to avoid naming God.

Other media which published this article:

- Washington Post, USA, 22 November 2006

- Indian Express, India, 23 November 2006

- Times of India, India, 23 November 2006

- Daily News & Analysis, India, 23 November 2006

- Financial Express, India, 22 November 2006

- Daily Times, Pakistan, 22 November 2006

-, UK, 22 November 2006

- Reuters Canada, Canada, 22 November 2006

- ABC News, 22 November 2006

- MSNBC, 22 November 2006

- Yahoo!News, 22 November 2006

- AOLNews, 22 November 2006

-, 22 November 2006

- Alarab online, UK, 22 November 2006

-, Germany, 22 November 2006

-, USA, 22 November 2006

Friday, November 24, 2006

How prayer accelerates the treatment of the sick

How prayer accelerates the treatment of the sick

Your Lord says, "Call on Me and I will answer you. Those who are too proud to worship Me will enter Hell abject." (Qur'an, 40:60)

According to the Qur'an, prayer, meaning "calling, giving expression, requesting, seeking help," is a person's turning sincerely to Allah, and seeking help from Him, the Almighty, the Compassionate and Merciful, in the knowledge that he is a dependent being. Illness is one of those instances when a person feels this dependence most and draws closer to Allah. Furthermore, sickness is a test, devised in His Wisdom, that takes place by His Will, and is a warning to remind people of the transience and imperfection of this life, and is also a source of recompense in the Hereafter for the patient and submissive.

Those without faith, on the other hand, imagine that the way to recovery is through doctors, medicines or the advanced technological capabilities of modern science. They never pause to think that it is Allah Who causes their physical system to function when they are in good health, or Who creates the healing medicines and doctors when they are ill. Many turn only to Allah when they arrive at the opinion that doctors and medicines are inadequate. People in such situations seek help only from Allah, realising that only He can free them from their difficulty. Allah has revealed this mindset in a verse:

When harm touches man, he calls on Us, lying on his side or sitting down or standing up. Then when We remove the harm from him he carries on as if he had never called on Us when the harm first touched him. In that way We make what they have done appear good to the profligate. (Qur'an, 10:12)

The fact is, however, that even in good health, or without tribulations or other difficulties, a person must pray and give thanks to Allah for the comforts, good health and all the other blessings He has imparted.

One very important aspect of prayer is this: In addition to praying out loud, it is also important for a person to make every effort to pray through his or her deeds. Prayer by action means doing everything possible to attain a certain wish. For example, in addition to praying, a sick person may also have to visit an expert doctor, use medicines that will be of benefit, and receive hospital treatment if necessary, or some other form of special care. Because, Allah has linked everything that happens in this world to specific causes. Everything in the world and in the universe happens in accordance with these causes. Therefore, the individual must take the requisite measures in accordance with these causes, and yet await the outcome from Allah, with humility, submission and patience, in the knowledge that it is He Who brings about their results.

The positive effect of faith and prayer on the sick and the way these accelerate treatment is a matter that has attracted the attention of and is recommended by doctors. Under the heading "God and Health: Is Religion Good Medicine? Why Science Is Starting to Believe," the 10 November, 2003, edition of the famous magazine Newsweek took the curative effect of religion as its cover story. It reported that faith in God raised people's morale and helped them recover more easily, and that science had also begun to believe that people with religious faith recover more easily and quickly. According to a Newsweek survey, 72% of Americans say they believe that praying can cure someone and that prayer facilitates recovery. Research in Great Britain and the USA has also concluded that prayer reduces patients' symptoms and accelerates the recovery process.

According to research conducted at Michigan University, depression and stress are observed to lesser extent in the devout. And, according to findings at Rush University in Chicago, the early death rate among people who worship and pray regularly is some 25% lower than in those with no religious convictions. Another study conducted on 750 people, who underwent angiocardiography, proved scientifically the "curative power of prayer." It was established that the death rate among heart patients who prayed decreased by 30% within a year after their operations.

Examples of the prayers mentioned in the Qur'an are:

And Ayyub when he called out to his Lord, "Great harm has afflicted me and You are the Most Merciful of the merciful," We responded to him and removed from him the harm which was afflicting him and restored his family to him, and the same again with them, as a mercy direct from Us and a Reminder to all worshippers. (Qur'an, 21:83)

And Dhu'n-Nun [Yunus] when he left in anger and thought We would not punish him. He called out in the pitch darkness: "There is no god but You! Glory be to You! Truly I have been one of the wrongdoers." We responded to him and rescued him from his grief. That is how We rescue the believers. (Qur'an, 21:87-88)

And Zakariyya when he called out to his Lord, "My Lord, do not leave me on my own, though You are the Best of Inheritors." We responded to him and gave him Yahya, restoring for him his wife's fertility. They outdid one another in good actions, calling out to Us in yearning and in awe, and humbling themselves to Us. (Qur'an, 21:89-90)

Nuh called out to Us and what an excellent Responder We are! (Qur'an, 37:75)

As has already been stated, prayer must not only be for alleviation of sickness, or other mundane problems. A sincere believer must always pray to Allah and accept whatever comes from Him. The fact that the benefits of prayer revealed in many verses of the Qur'an are now being recognised scientifically, once again reveals the miraculous nature of the Qur'an.

If My servants ask you about Me, I am near. I answer the call of the caller when he calls on Me. They should therefore respond to Me and believe in Me so that hopefully they will be rightly guided. (Qur'an, 2:186)

How Purposelessness Affects the Society

How Purposelessness Affects the Society


In our day, people seriously lack a purpose in life. Almost everyone adopts a standard way of living. To feed one's self, to find a house in which to reside, to set up a family, and to have a job are the praised values to which one mostly aspires. In this standard way of living, the most important goal in life is to find ways to make a better living and to raise children.

For a better understanding of the purposelessness and meaninglessness permeating the lives of our society, it will be useful to look at other areas of interest apart from the aforementioned. The majority of people have a rather limited outlook. Often, not missing a TV series or watching a popular movie is what gives their daily life a meaning. For such people, a better goal in life, if any, might be to belong to a social club.

Another group of people's minds are totally preoccupied with business. All through their lives, they commute between office and home. A person starting his career in his early 20s does the same job for almost 40 years. Meanwhile, he often finds himself waiting for Fridays. His main ambitions amount to closing the tax month without problems, managing to find the rent every month, and to securing his children's future. Hardly any national or world events excite him. Only that which affects his business makes any sense to him. Never pondering over events, he readily accepts the status quo. He feels concerned only when issues challenge his business. To voice his concerns, he participates in discussion programmes on TV or talks until the early hours of the morning, arriving at no substantial solution or conclusion. The next day, he starts a new day the same as the previous one.

Young people, too, suffer from the same purposelessness, and lack the essential factors that give life meaning. The vast majority of teenagers do not even know the leaders of their country, the political decisions they make, the impact of these decisions on national defence, the economy, or the educational and judiciary systems. Utterly oblivious of major events and developments in the world, they constantly fret over trivial and futile issues. That leaves them deprived of the skills to conceive the significance of many events of world history. Their conversations are often limited to computer games, Internet chats, dating, trivial events happening at school, cheating in exams, plans for the weekend, clothes or football games. In magazine surveys which ask teenagers to rank "the greatest goals worth pursuing in life", looking like a famous model or playing the guitar like the guitarist of a famous band come first.

Having no purpose in life and being oblivious of other realms of existence is a threat to humanity. However, over and above this, that among people who assume a particular stance in life, the majority advocate views which lack real values and are detrimental towards humanity, poses the real threat. That is because the leaders and advocates of dangerous ideas find masses to hand who are utterly bereft of faculties with which to discern danger, and who thus accept any presupposition without subjecting it to independent scrutiny.

In a verse Allah refers to the purposelessness of people thus:

Leave them to eat and enjoy themselves. Let false hope divert them. They will soon know. (Surat al-Hijr: 3)

There are surely ways for mankind to avoid such a situation: ensuring that they do not become persons who are only interested in leading their own lives and living to meet their needs. To this end, these people should be encouraged to become individuals whose target is to serve other people and deal, not merely with their own problems or of their individual countries but also, with the problems of the world. The religion Allah has chosen for people and revealed in the Qur'an shows this ultimate aim:

So, set your face firmly towards the Deen, as a pure natural believer, Allah's natural pattern on which He made mankind. There is no changing Allah's creation. That is the true Deen– but most people do not know it. (Surat ar-Rum: 30)

It is essential we tell aimless idle people that this world is created for a significant purpose. In the Qur'an, Allah informs us of His purpose in creating man: "I only created jinn and man to worship Me."(Surat adh-Dhariyat: 56)

Everyone will die one day. Then his real and eternal life will begin. The purpose of this life is to strive to be a person of whom Allah approves and whom He will host in His Garden. The conduct, ideals, and beliefs of every man will determine whether he will spend his eternal life in the hereafter in the Fire or in the Garden. For this reason, that these people mindlessly spend time on idle and worthless jobs, devoting their lives to them and behaving as if their existence on earth has no purpose, shows that these people must urgently be warned and awakened from the heedlessness in which they live.

Being aware that our purpose in the world is to earn Allah's approval, favour and the Garden, we cannot remain indifferent or insensitive to any event taking place around us. We know that every event is an opportunity to earn Allah's approval, and thus we will always act accordingly. We feel pangs of conscience whenever we witness injustice or oppression taking place in our vicinity or in the world. For instance, we feel the responsibility of each homeless boy, who lives in difficulty, and has to spend his life on the streets in the cold winter. Complying with the command of Allah in the verse, "So, as for orphans, do not oppress them, and as for beggars, do not berate them." (Surat ad-Duha: 9-10), we will treat them kindly. We will strive to find a way to save them from the unfavourable circumstances in which they live. Yet, we are aware that these children cannot be saved by our efforts or those of a few people behaving in compliance with the Qur'an. For this reason, we will strive for the values of the Qur'an and the Sunnah to be spread among all people.

The Impact of Disbelief on Economy

The Impact of Disbelief on Economy


Economy occupies most of our daily talk. In rich and poor countries alike, few communities are immune from escalating economic problems. The majority of people in the world live on the breadline while many countries depend on foreign 'aid' for survival. Receiving foreign 'aid' adds more to their problems, since, unable to pay even the interest, these countries face great hardship.

From health to education, all issues are kept moving by means of finance. However, whether developed countries or not, economic conditions hit people hard. Wealth, extravagance and their natural consequence, degradation, sit next to impoverishment. Unable to meet their essential needs, people fight with each other. Many reports and studies, programmes for improvement, and seminars to raise awareness of the issue flounder for want of viable solutions and the fact remains that, each day adds to the despair and misery of much of the world.

Unemployment is a major global problem. Even if people are employed, their wages are not sufficient to secure good living conditions. Even so, hundreds of candidates apply for a few vacancies in public service, which will bring a rather moderate income. People wait in queues for hours in front of unemployment offices in the hope of finding a job.

What is the solution, then? Why do measures fail to eradicate these problems?

In any country, economic development, productivity, flourishing job opportunities, and a productive workforce are essential to maintain economic stability. Yet, statistics indicate that there are almost 820 million unemployed around the world. When we add the number of dependants to this figure, the dimensions of the problem become even more serious.

In our day, economic systems, especially in underdeveloped countries, rely on bank interest. The high interest rates offered to depositors by banks have a destructive impact on national economies. This becomes the main reason why people put their money in banks rather than investing or using it productively. The wealthy find it easier to live on the interest they receive rather than working and in a society where most people do not work it is unlikely to boost investment, which is essential for the improvement of the country.

In such systems, newspapers carry bank advertisements giving the following message: "You can stop investing in your business and go on a holiday…" This rationale, albeit seemingly simple and attractive, brings devastation to a country rather than welfare and wealth. An economy that is not nurtured by investments is doomed to ruin. Money accumulated in bank accounts and safes is the main source of such economic problems as inflation. Those who do not contribute to the economy and who put their money in the bank and "go on a holiday" will themselves suffer the consequences in the long term. Their money resting in the bank will constantly lose value since, in the course of time, it will not keep up with the rising rate of inflation.

In an economy resting on production, an overall recovery occurs which benefits everyone. Indeed, Allah commands us to spend our money for the benefit of people. In Surat at-Tawba, Allah gives the news of a painful punishment for those who amass their possessions:

You who believe! Many of the rabbis and monks devour people's property under false pretences and bar people from access to the Way of Allah. As for those who hoard up gold and silver and do not spend it in the Way of Allah, give them the news of a painful punishment… (Surat at-Tawba: 34)

In a society where the Qur'anic principles are applied, practices which are essentially to the benefit of people keep the system moving. Thus, Allah prohibits usury and thus prevents people suffering under the burden of debts:

Those who practise usury will not rise from the grave except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, 'Trade is the same as usury.' But Allah has permitted trade and He has forbidden usury. Whoever is given a warning by his Lord and then desists, can keep what he received in the past and his affair is Allah's concern. But all who return to it will be the Companions of the Fire, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (Surat al-Baqara: 275)

In another verse, Allah stressed that usury does not bring prosperity to man:

Allah obliterates usury but makes charity grow in value! Allah does not love any persistently ungrateful wrongdoer. (Surat al-Baqara: 276)

To improve living standards, stability and order are essential in all domains of social life. This also holds true for the economy. Believers are those who should assume the responsibility of providing solutions. In this respect, nobody has the time to lose waiting for others to take the initiative. That is because Allah gave this responsibility to every believer. To fulfil it, one primarily needs to communicate the religion and the blessings that the religion adds to one's life.

The members of a community having a sincere faith that possessions, unlike usury, spent for the good of people will bring prosperity, will spend the part of their possessions they do not need for a good cause without hesitation. The benefits of such a system are evident to society. However, people should not see such a system as unattainable. The way to prevent this is to teach people the Qur'an.

It is also important to stress that, in the type of social life that is guided by the Qur'an and the Sunnah people strive not only for their own welfare, but for the welfare of the public since the values of Islam demand co-operation, solidarity and unity.

Being prohibited by Allah from doing so, people do not violate one another's rights. No one tries to unlawfully take others' possessions or rights. No one commits fraud in measuring and weighing. In a society living by the Qur'an, injustice is never allowed. Consequently, usury-ridden relations end. The wealthy do not rip off the poor and people do not attempt unlawfully to take other's portions.

In a society where religious values apply, nothing is wasted. People consume but avoid extravagance. Co-operation and justice maintain better living standards and welfare. The Blessed Period of the first community of Islam, an age of welfare when people in general adhered to the Qur'an and the Sunnah, is an explicit example of this fact.

A Cruel Ideology in the Economy: Capitalism and Fight for Survival

A Cruel Ideology in the Economy:
Capitalism and Fight for Survival

Harun Yahya

The term capitalism means the sovereignty of capital, a free and unrestricted economic system totally based on profit and where society is in competition within these criteria. There are three important elements in capitalism: individualism, competition, and profit-making. Individualism is important because people see themselves not as a part of society, but as "individuals" standing alone on their own two feet. "Capitalist society" is an arena where individuals compete with one another under very harsh and ruthless conditions just like that described by Darwin, where only the strong survive, where the weak and powerless are crushed and eliminated.

According to the logic capitalism is based on, every individual–and this can be a person, a company, or a nation–must only fight for its own development and advantage. In this war, the best producers survive, the weak and incompetent are eliminated and vanish. What is seen as worthy of attention is not human beings, but economic development, and goods. For which reason the capitalist mentality feels no ethical responsibility or conscience for the person whom it crushes underfoot and climbs on top of and who has to live in great difficulty. This is Darwinism put into total practice in society in an economic way.

By proposing that it was necessary to encourage competition in all areas of society, and announcing that it was necessary to provide no opportunities or support for the weak in any field, the foremost theoreticians of Social Darwinism prepared a "philosophical" and "scientific" support for capitalism.
In the view of Herbert Spencer, the main theorist of Social Darwinism, who introduced the principles of Darwinism to the life of society, if someone is poor then that is his mistake; nobody must help this person to rise. If someone is rich, even if he has acquired his wealth by immoral means, that is his competence. For this reason, the rich man survives, while the poor man disappears.

Social Darwinists used Darwin's theory of evolution as a "scientific" comment on capitalist societies. As a result of this, human beings began to lose such concepts, which religion had brought with it, as mutual assistance, philanthropy, and co-operation, and instead of these virtues to give pride of place to selfishness, cunning, and opportunism.

In his article Darwin's Three Mistakes, the evolutionary scientist Kenneth J. Hsü, reveals the Darwinist thoughts of America's foremost capitalists:

Darwinism was also used in a defense of competitive individualism and its economic corollary of laissez-faire capitalism in England and in America. Andrew Carnegie wrote that the "law of competition, be it benign or not, is here; we cannot evade it." Rockefeller went a step further when he claimed that "the growth of a large business is merely a survival of the fittest; it is merely the working out of a law of nature."(1)

As has been seen from what has been explained so far, capitalism has dragged human beings to worship only money and the power that comes from money. This capitalist morality holds sway in almost all societies in our day. For this reason the poor, the helpless, and the crippled are denied charity, and are not looked out for or protected.

Today the reason for countries such as Ethiopia having drought affected areas and living in starvation is the dominance of this capitalist morality. While aid and support from many countries could save these hungry people, they are abandoned to starvation and poverty.

Another feature of capitalist society is the way it gives room to inequality within itself. In societies of this kind the divide between rich and poor grows ever wider, as the poor grow poorer, the wealth of the rich grows greater.

Throughout history there have always been societies where the poor and weak were trodden down, where only material things were important, and where selfishness, self-interest, and cheating were seen as the only way to become rich. But from the second half of the 19th century people with such views entered a very different period. For the last 150 years people and societies which possess this ruthless make-up have begun not to be condemned or criticized like the others. Behavior of this sort began at last to be accepted as a law of nature.

Robert E. D. Clark explains the situation this way:

Evolution, in short, gave the doer of evil a respite from his conscience. The most unscrupulous behaviour towards a competitor could not be rationalized; evil could be called good.(2)

As we have seen, lack of religion and the Darwinism which inspired it lay behind all the people, systems, and ideologies which have brought worry, difficulty, pain, and hopelessness to the world, particularly in the last 150 years. Those who thought that they could protect their own interests saw Darwinism as a savior for themselves.

They were not aware of it, but these people who thought they were preparing a great trap for all of mankind, actually prepared it for themselves. Because no matter how much they struggle to survive, there is actually one Judge, one Lord, and one Master, whether of themselves, of the whole world, of everything they try to possess. Allah is the one Judge and Power. The wealth, strength, and power which a human being thinks he gains by himself are actually given to him by Allah to try him. No matter how much he may believe that he is in an arena of struggle, in actual fact every human being is living a test set by Allah for himself. Allah reveals in a holy verse that he tries human beings by means of the opportunities he gives them:

We made everything on the earth adornment for it so that We could test them to see whose actions are the best. (Surat al-Kahf: 7)

Those who think that they have won what they possess as the result of a "fight for survival" will feel a heart-rending pain for which there is no compensation, and great sorrow when they come face to face with reality in the hereafter and see what an empty idea they followed:

The Companions of the Garden will call out to the Companions of the Fire, 'We have found that what our Lord promised us is true. Have you found that what your Lord promised you is true?' They will say, 'Yes, we have!' Between them a herald will proclaim: 'May the curse of Allah be on the wrongdoers those who bar access to the Way of Allah, desiring to make it crooked, and reject the hereafter.' .... The Companions of the Ramparts will call out to men they recognize by their mark, saying, 'What you amassed was of no use to you, nor was your arrogance. (Surat al-A'raf: 44-5, 48)

As for those who have not been influenced by Darwinist-capitalist thinking and who have not forgotten the reason for their being in the world and the existence of Allah, they see other human beings as living things created by Allah. As Allah has ordered them, they always treat other human beings pleasantly, feel affection and compassion, and do everything that they possibly can to take away their difficulties and worries. They always speak the pleasantest words, look after the orphaned, help the sick and crippled, and protect and watch after them. People like this avoid sin and keep their duties to Allah as it is revealed in the Qur'an and are the most superior in Allah's sight: they pay no attention to wealth, race, color, class, ideology, or philosophy. (For further information on the subject, see “Disasters Darwinism Brought to Humanity” by Harun Yahya)

1- Kenneth J. Hsü, "Darwin's Three Mistakes”, Geology, vol.14, June 1986, p. 534
2- Bolton Davidheiser, W E Lemmerts (ed) Scientific Studies in Special Creationism, 1971 p. 338-339.