Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Miracle of the Qur’an Relating the Universe


The 20th century saw a great many new discoveries regarding celestial phenomena in the universe. One of these entities, which has only recently been encountered, is the Black Hole. These are formed when a star which has consumed all its fuel collapses in on itself, eventually turning into a black hole with infinite density and zero volume and an immensely powerful magnetic field. We are unable to see black holes even with the most powerful telescope, because their gravitational pull is so strong that light is unable to escape from them. However, such a collapsed star can be perceived by means of the effect it has on the surrounding area. In Surat al-Waqi'a, Allah draws attention to this matter in this way, by swearing upon the position of stars:

And I swear by the stars' positions-and that is a mighty oath if you only knew. (Qur'an, 56:75-76)

The term "black hole" was first employed in 1969 by the American physicist John Wheeler. Previously, we imagined that we were able to see all the stars. However, it later emerged that there were stars in space whose light we were unable to perceive. Because, the light of these collapsed stars disappears. Light cannot escape from a black hole because it is such a high concentration of mass in a small space. The enormous gravitation captures even the fastest particles, i.e. the photons. For example, the final stage of a typical star, three times the mass of the Sun, ends after its burning out and its implosion as a black hole of only 20 kilometres (12.5 miles) in diameter! Black holes are "black," i.e. veiled from direct observation. They nevertheless reveal themselves indirectly, by the tremendous suction which their gravitational force exerts on other heavenly bodies. As well as depictions of the Day of Judgement, the verse below may also be pointing to this scientific discovery about black holes:

When the stars are extinguished. (Qur'an, 77:8)

Moreover, stars of great mass also cause warps to be perceived in space. Black holes, however, do not just cause warps in space but also tear holes in it. That is why these collapsed stars are known as black holes. This fact may be referred to in the verse about stars, and this is another important item of information demonstrating that the Qur'an is the word of Allah:

[I swear] by Heaven and the Tariq! And what will convey to you what the Tariq is? The Star Piercing [the darkness]! (Qur'an, 86:1-3)


In its 23 November, 2006, issue the world renowned scientific magazine Nature carried a special report titled “Anti-evolutionists raise their profile in Europe.” The report covered a workshop called “Teaching evolution theory in Europe” organized by a Polish biologist called Maciej Giertych for members of the European Parliament.

The report in Nature magazine discussed the place occupied by the subjects of evolution and creation in school curricula in such European countries as Italy, Germany, Poland, France and Great Britain. It also covered the work of the Science Research Foundation in Turkey:

“The movement is by far the strongest in Turkey, however, which is in negotiations to join the European Union. The main Muslim creationist organization [is] the Turkish Bilim ve Arastirma Vakfi… Prominent US creationists are also frequently invited by the group to give talks.

Jones has just returned from the Istanbul book fair, where he says many creationist publications were on sale, and proving extremely popular. ‘Creationism is a major issue in Turkish politics; the debate is much more tense than in the United States,’ he says. ‘All biology textbooks now used in schools are creationist in tone.’”

The report also covered the debate stemming from the teaching of the fact of Creation in various schools in Germany, and what went on following the removal of the theory of evolution from middle school curricula in Italy at the request of Education Minister Letizia Moratti.

The article also cited examples of creation research conducted by creationist groups in Russia, and stated that there was a rapid rise in creationism, particularly in Great Britain:

“Steve Jones, a geneticist at University College London who has lectured widely about evolution, is one of those concerned by the growing influence of creationist groups. ‘I have talked about evolution in front of more than 100,000 British schoolchildren in the past 20 years – during most of that time I was never asked questions about creationism,’ he says. ‘But in the past couple of years, wherever I go I am asked about it.’”

At the end of the report Jones states his belief that the theory of evolution will never lose influence in European countries as it has in the USA and that evolution will always remain powerful, but that he does not feel the same regarding Turkey. These statements reveal the powerful impact of the BAV and of Harun Yahya’s works on Darwinism.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Depressions of a Faithless Society

God declares in the Qur'an that He has created mankind according to a certain disposition in the verse: "So set you your face steadily and truly to the Faith: (establish) God's handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made mankind." (Surat al-Room, 30). The disposition of mankind relies on being a servant to God and having faith in Him. Since man is unable to meet his unlimited wishes and needs by himself, he naturally needs to humble himself before God and turn to Him.

If the individual lives in accordance with this disposition, he attains true confidence, peace, happiness and salvation. If he denies this disposition and turns away from God, he spends his life in distress, fear, anxiety and grief.

This rule, which is true for man, also holds true for societies. If a society is comprised of people who believe in God, it becomes a just, peaceful, happy and wise society. Unquestionably, the opposite also holds true. If a society is unaware of God, then the order of such a community is basically ruined, corrupt and primitive.

When societies that have turned away from God are examined, this fact is readily seen. One of the most important results of irreligious thought is the abolishment of the concept of morality and the development of completely corrupt societies. Transgressing religious and moral bounds, and catering exclusively to the satisfaction of human wishes, this culture is a system of oppression in the fullest sense of the word. In such a system, all sorts of degeneracies from sexual perversion to drug addiction are encouraged. Eventually, societies that are devoid of human love and are egoistic, ignorant, shallow and nonsensical have grown up.

In a society where people live only for the satisfaction of their own desires, it surely is not possible to maintain peace, love and amity. In such a society, human relations depend on mutual interests. An extreme feeling of distrust prevails. When there is no reason for one to be sincere, honest, reliable or well-behaved, nothing stands in the way of dissimulation, falsehood, or betrayal. The members of such societies have "cast God away behind their backs (with contempt)" (Surah Hud, 92) and thus never acknowledged the fear of God. Since they cannot "make a just estimate of God", they are unmindful of the day of judgement and the day of account. For them, hell is nothing more than an idea appearing in religious books. None of them think that they shall have to give an account of themselves in the presence of God after their death for all the sins they have committed during their lives in this world, or that they may ultimately be doomed to an eternal life of torment in hell. Even if they do think about it, they suppose that they will enter paradise after they "pay for their sins", as it is expressed in this verse:

This because they say 'The Fire shall not touch us but for a few numbered days': For their forgeries deceive them as to their own religion. (Surat Al-e-Imran, 24)

Thus they are led to spend their lives doing their best to satisfy their own desires and needs.

This situation naturally brings on the ethical degeneration and moral collapse that we see in many societies today. In their own reasoning they suppose "we have come into this world but once and will live for only 50-60 years and then die, so let us get the best of things here". The thought system based on this erroneous reasoning may bring with it all kinds of injustice, prostitution, theft, crime and immorality. One subscribing to it may become involved in all kinds of crime, homicide, or fraud. When every individual thinks of nothing but the satisfaction of his own needs and desires, everyone else--including his family and friends--have secondary importance. Other individuals in society have no importance whatsoever.

In a social structure that rests on interest relations to a large degree, the mutual distrust of people hinders the formation of peace both at the social and individual level and it causes people to live permanently in a state of doubt, unease and irresolution. Not knowing by whom, when or how misdeeds will be committed in such a society, people live spiritually in a condition of great fear and distress. General distrust and suspicion cause them to lead very unhappy lives. In a society where all kinds of moral values are disregarded, the outlook of people on notions such as family, honesty and chastity is quite alarming, for they have no fear of God.

In such societies, the lives of people do not rely on mutual love and respect. Its members feel no need to show respect to each other. They do not display a caring attitude to each other without a good cause. Actually, they are quite right, in terms of their ignorant reasoning, in behaving this way. They are taught throughout their lives that they have evolved from animals and that their souls will be lost forever upon their death. They therefore deem it meaningless to respect a body of ape origin that will rot under the earth and that they will never see again. In their corrupt logic, "all the others as well as themselves are to die and be buried under the earth, their bodies will decay and their souls will vanish. So why would they bother to do good to other people, and be self-sacrificing?" Indeed, these thoughts permeate the subconscious of everyone who has no belief in God or, therefore, in the hereafter. In societies with no belief in God, there is no basis for peace, happiness, or confidence.

The purpose of all we have said is not to suggest that "degeneration occurs in societies where there is no belief in God, therefore there must be belief in God." God must be believed in because God exists and whoever denies Him commits a great sin before Him. Our intention in noting that societies where belief in God does not exist become corrupt is to emphasise that the fundamental viewpoints of these societies are wrong. Wrong viewpoints lead to ill consequences. A society that commits the biggest sin of denying God, is sure to suffer the worst outcomes. These outcomes are worthy of attention because they show how mistaken this society is.

The common characteristic of such societies is their being deceived as a whole. As stated in the verse, "Were you to follow the common run of those on earth, they will lead you away from the way of God." (Surat al-Anaam, 116), that most of society share a common character creates a "mass" psychology that reinforces the already-existing disbelief. God describes such societies that are unmindful of Him and the hereafter as "ignorant" in the Qur'an. Even though the members of this society may study physics, history, biology or similar sciences, they do not have the sense and conscience to acknowledge the power and might of God. And they are ignorant in that sense.

Because the members of an ignorant society are not devoted to God, they go astray from His path in different ways. They follow people who are incompetent servants of God just like themselves, taking them as examples and adhering to their ideas as absolute truths. Ultimately an ignorant society ends up a closed society that increasingly blinds itself, becoming further and further divorced from reason and conscience. As we have stated at the beginning, the most notable aspect of this system is that members of such a society act in consonance with anti-religious indoctrination.

God describes in the Qur'an with a striking parable how such a life, resting upon a vain and corrupt basis, is destined to be ruined:

Which then is best? He that lays his foundation on piety to God and His good pleasure? Or he that lays his foundation on an undermined sand-cliff ready to crumble to pieces? And it does crumble to pieces with him, into the fire of hell. And God does not guide people that do wrong. (Surat at-Tawba, 109)

There is yet another point to be remembered: every society and every person has the opportunity to be rid of the indoctrination, way of life and philosophy of ignorance. God sends them messengers who warn them and inform them of the existence of God and the hereafter and who tell them the real meaning of life. And along with His messengers He sends righteous books that answer all the questions that are derived from the very conscience of people. This is the law of God that has existed since eternity. In our day, the guide of all people is the Qur'an, which shows the right way and leads people from darkness to light. People will be judged according to their own preferences. The messenger who brought the book to people thus called out to them:

Say: "O you men! Now Truth has reached you from your Lord! Those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss: and I am not (set) over you to arrange your affairs. (Surah Yunus, 108)

Friday, December 01, 2006

Uniting in Faith

When humanity's present living conditions are scrutinized, the need for alliances among believers become apparent. Social ills, among them conflicts, wars, genocide, poverty, famine, social injustice, and moral degeneration, pose a serious threat to many countries. Moreover, a great number of innocent people suffering under those conditions are desperately waiting for a helping hand to be extended. Conscientious people around the world are trying to help them. Aid packages are dispatched to areas affected by famine, peace envoys are trying to protect people in war zones, and efforts are being made to curb crime and decadence. But these efforts are regional and limited to finding solutions to the most pressing issues. In fact, it is actually possible to eradicate all kinds of human suffering and to bring happiness, security, and prosperity to the world.

However, achieving this goal depends on identifying the true causes of such ills - the decline of religious morality - and eradicating their ideological basis. The fact that the law of the strong prevails throughout the world is partly responsible for this situation, for this attitude engenders a social model based upon self-interest. Even more seriously, it has replaced acceptance, love, sympathy, compassion, and cooperation with conflict, greed, and dispute. In short, it disregards humanity's obligation to serve God, view this life as a realm of testing designed to win His good pleasure, and strive for the Hereafter.

The ideological changes that took place in the nineteenth century laid the foundations for the spiritual collapse in the next century. Whereas the majority of people believed in God's existence until that time, these changes enabled atheism to become a major influence. In the eighteenth century, such materialists as Denis Diderot (d. 1784) and Baron D'Holbach (d. 1789) asserted that the universe had existed forever and that only matter existed, and this view found an ever-increasing following in Europe. In the nineteenth century, atheism expanded further with the influence of such thinkers as Ludwig Feuerbach (d. 1872), Karl Marx (d. 1883), Friedrich Engels (d. 1894), Friedrich Nietzsche (d. 1900), Emile Durkheim (d. 1917), and Sigmund Freud (d. 1939).

Charles Darwin (d. 1882) did the greatest service to atheism by devising his theory of evolution, which was designed to oppose creation. Darwinism provided an allegedly scientific answer to the question of how humanity and other life forms emerged - a question that atheists had never managed to answer until that time. He proposed that nature had a mechanism that could enliven dead matter and give rise to millions of species. Many people, unfortunately, believed this erroneous idea.

At the end of the nineteenth century, atheists had formulated a worldview that, they claimed, explained everything. They postulated that the universe was not created, but had existed since eternity and thus had no beginning. They assumed that its clear order and equilibrium was coincidental and devoid of purpose. Darwinism claimed to answer the question of how humanity and all other beings were created. Marx and Durkheim provided atheistic answers to history and sociology, and Freud did the same for psychology. These theories, however, were shown to be baseless and without merit by the scientific, political, and social developments of the twentieth century. And, moreover, discoveries in astronomy, biology, psychology, and social behavior completely destroyed atheisms' propositions.

During this period, however, movements based on Darwinism and materialism devastated humanity. Such ideologies as communism, fascism, racism, nihilism, and existentialism caused people great sorrow and engendered countless conflicts, wars, and calamities. Their aftereffects continue to be felt today, albeit with a lesser impact, and certain circles persist in defending Darwinism as a scientific fact.

At present, the burden of responsibility rests upon the shoulders of all conscientious believers to do something about the global situation created by all ideologies opposed to religious morality. All Christians, Jews, and Muslims should join in this effort, for they are the target of these atheistic ideologies. Therefore, the sincere People of the Book and sincere Muslims must cooperate, join forces, and tell the world of Darwinism's false worldview, which is based on materialism, not science. All of the other anti-religious ideologies (e.g., communism, fascism, racism) as well as decadence must be fought together on an ideological level so that the world can enjoy peace, tranquility, and justice in the near future. When this great task has been completed, suffering, hardship, killing, calamity, injustice, and destitution will make way for enlightenment, calmness, prosperity, wealth, health, and good fortune.

In the present environment of hardship and troubles, sincere Jews, Christians, and Muslims must be even more accepting, conciliatory, complementary, and respectful of each other. They should not forget that unity, togetherness, and cooperation bring success, and that dispute, argument, and conflict bring nothing but weakness. The current situation demands the immediate formation of such an alliance.